Enumeration LitAbility

These are the user-facing abilities that can be granted to a session.

Enumeration Members

AccessControlConditionDecryption: "access-control-condition-decryption"

This is the ability to process an encryption access control condition. The resource will specify the corresponding hashed key value of the access control condition.

AccessControlConditionSigning: "access-control-condition-signing"

This is the ability to process a signing access control condition. The resource will specify the corresponding hashed key value of the access control condition.

LitActionExecution: "lit-action-execution"

This is the ability to execute a Lit Action. The resource will specify the corresponding Lit Action IPFS CID.

PKPSigning: "pkp-signing"

This is the ability to use a PKP for signing purposes. The resource will specify the corresponding PKP token ID.

RateLimitIncreaseAuth: "rate-limit-increase-auth"

This is the ability to use a Rate Limit Increase (Capacity Credits NFT) token during authentication with the nodes. The resource will specify the corresponding Capacity Credits NFT token ID.

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