Interface CommonGetSessionSigsProps



capabilityAuthSigs?: AuthSig[]

Not limited to capacityDelegationAuthSig, we want to be able to pass in any other authSigs for other purposes.

capacityDelegationAuthSig?: AuthSig


chain?: string
expiration?: any
pkpPublicKey?: string
resourceAbilityRequests: LitResourceAbilityRequest[]

An array of resource abilities that you want to request for this session. These will be signed with the session key.


If you want to request the ability to decrypt an access control condition, then you would pass
[{ resource: new LitAccessControlConditionResource('someResource), ability: LitAbility.AccessControlConditionDecryption }]
sessionCapabilityObject?: ISessionCapabilityObject

The session capability object that you want to request for this session. If you pass nothing, then this will default to a wildcard for each type of resource you're accessing.


If you passed nothing, and you're requesting to perform a decryption operation for an access
control condition, then the session capability object will be a wildcard for the access control condition,
which grants this session signature the ability to decrypt this access control condition.
sessionKey?: SessionKeyPair

The serialized session key pair to sign. If not provided, a session key pair will be fetched from localStorge or generated.

switchChain?: boolean

If you want to ask Metamask to try and switch the user's chain, you may pass true here. This will only work if the user is using Metamask. If the user is not using Metamask, then this will be ignored.

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