Interface JsonExecutionSdkParamsTargetNode



authMethods?: AuthMethod[]

auth methods to resolve

code?: string

JS code to run on the nodes

ipfsId?: string

The IPFS ID of some JS code to run on the nodes

ipfsOptions?: IpfsOptions

Allow overriding the default code property in the JsonExecutionSdkParams

jsParams?: any

An object that contains params to expose to the Lit Action. These will be injected to the JS runtime before your code runs, so you can use any of these as normal variables in your Lit Action.

responseStrategy?: LitActionResponseStrategy

a strategy for proccessing reponse objects returned from the Lit Action execution context

sessionSigs: SessionSigsMap

the session signatures to use to authorize the user with the nodes

targetNodeRange: number
useSingleNode?: boolean

Only run the action on a single node; this will only work if all code in your action is non-interactive

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